Kajsa Wilkins
I have been surrounded by classical Christian education for as long as I can remember. Both of my parents were involved in teaching and leading in the classical Christian world, and I graduated from a K-12 classical Christian school. After having children of our own, my husband and I felt that God called us to educate our children with a Biblical foundation — and that classical Christian education is the model that best provides this. We wanted our children to not only seek and be given knowledge, but to follow Christ’s command in the Great Commission — to not just be hearers of the Word, but doers of the Word. My husband and I both have degrees in music and followed his operatic career around the country for the first 15 years of our marriage. This led us to many cities, but we were in New York for the longest period. There, I was hired to teach music by the only classical Christian school in Manhattan, and both of our children were able to attend. After several years of teaching, I began to feel called to be in administration. God provided an unexpected opportunity through the Covid lockdowns. My husband was no longer able to perform, and we began looking for the next steps. An opening arose in Wichita, Kansas at the Classical School of Wichita, and I became their Director of Academics and Fine Arts. This past year, I was brought on as Dean of the new North Campus for the Ambrose School! We moved our family back to my home state of Idaho, and it has been a year of learning, growth and blessing. Our two teenagers have enjoyed experiencing the mountains and beauty of the Northwest. God has woven classical Christian education throughout my life, and I am eager to continue pursuing and furthering it for His glory.
For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. ~ Hab. 2:14