Ty Fischer has been the Head of School at Veritas Academy in Leola since 1997. He received a BA in history from Grove City College and a Master of Divinity from Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi. He has also studied at Cambridge University at the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion. He is a permanent member of the Association of Classical and Christian Schools Board member. He has been involved in numerous curricular projects. He was the Managing Editor of the Veritas Press Omnibus Project. Ty and his wife, Emily, are the parents of four daughters: Maddy, Laynie, Karis, and Elyse, and the proud owners of one “periodically obedient” Puggle, Roxy.

2024 Speaker Topic


Panel I—Board Members: Building Long-term Head of School Leadership

This panel, made up of Ty Fischer, Keith Phillips, Tracy Robinson, and Andy Shapleigh, all veterans in the classical Christian education community, will take 8 minutes to share the most important thing(s) that a board can do to support a head of school. The intent is to help increase longevity for school heads. There will be 15 to 20 minutes for Q&A after the panel finishes speaking.

Panel II—Heads of School: This Isn’t Easy–Help Anyone?

This panel, made up of Ty Fischer, Keith Phillips, Tracy Robinson, and Andy Shapleigh, all veterans in the classical Christian education community, will take 8-10 minutes to give their younger self the best piece of advice, and then share one mistake that they made during their tenure. There will be 15 to 20 minutes for Q&A after the panel finishes speaking.