Dr. Brad Dolloff
Dr. Brad Dolloff has been the dean of the Lab School at School of the Ozarks, a classical Christian K-12 laboratory school of College of the Ozarks, since its opening in 2012. Before accepting the position as the headmaster here, Dr. Dolloff served as a mathematics teacher, coach, and school administrator in public education. His experience in education spans more than three decades. Additionally, he serves on the teaching team at First Baptist Branson and as a member of the South Central Missouri Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) board of directors.
Dr. Dolloff’s educational background includes a Ed.D. in Education from Southwest Baptist University in 2022, a Specialist in Education (Educational Administration) degree from Missouri State University in 2011, an Administrative Certification (M.A. in school leadership program) from Baker University in 2002, Master of Science in education from Southwest Missouri State University in 1993, and a Bachelor of Arts in mathematics teaching from Bethany College in 1986. He has been married to his wife, Dee, for over thirty years, and they have two children. Their oldest, Coby, completed a Masters in Theology and the Arts from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland and is teaching at Classical School of Wichita. Their daughter, Leah, graduated with an English major and art illustration minor from John Brown University. Leah is now attending The Kanakuk Institute in Branson, Missouri. In addition to spending time with family, Brad enjoys coffee with friends and loved ones, the outdoors, hiking, and exploring God’s creation or any destination that requires a Jeep to reach it!
2024 Speaker Topic
Is There Really a Classical Difference?
Barna research from 2018 found only 10% of young adults raised Christian still following faithfully. 22% no longer identified as Christian! The Good Soil Report showed better results for older ACCS graduates, but what about recent ACCS graduates influenced by smart phones and a pandemic? Brad will share his doctoral research from 2022 examining if ACCS graduates still in college demonstrated a higher level of faith commitment than those in the Barna study. The presentation will include anecdotal input from his son, Coby, an ACCS graduate now teaching at an ACCS school.