Dr. Benjamin Merkle

2024 Leader's Day

Dr. Ben Merkle is the president of New Saint Andrews College, as well as a Senior Fellow of Theology. He holds a DPhil in Oriental Studies and an MSt in Jewish Studies from Oxford University, England; an MA degree in English Literature, a Greyfriars Letter, and a BS in Education (Secondary Education-Chemistry, with a minor in History) both from the University of Idaho.

He is a teaching elder Christ Church, Moscow, regularly preaching at their downtown service. Dr. Merkle is the author of The White Horse King (Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2009) and Defending the Trinity in the Reformed Palatinate (Oxford University Press 2015). He and wife Rebekah have five children.

2024 Speaker Topic


Leading in Ambiguity and Conflict

As a leader, you are called on daily to make countless decisions, all of them seemingly freighted with ominous consequences, and none of them offering simple, obvious answers. In particular, the last several years have been a real meat-grinder for the leadership in Christian schools, as school leaders have to make decisive choices in no win situations. This talk will consider some guiding principles for navigating these difficult moments with integrity and joy.