Joshua Gibbs

2024 Practicum

Teaching Literature

with Joshua Gibbs

A Preconference Practicum
June 19, 2024


Joshua Gibbs has nineteen years of experience teaching classic literature in Christian schools. He is also a lecturer on pedagogy and great books and the author of How To Be Unlucky, Something They Will Not Forget, The 25th, Love What Lasts, and pamphlets that include “A Short Introduction to Classical Christian Education.” Joshua has also been a long-time contributor to the CiRCE Institute blog and the creator of the Proverbial podcast. He is also an Alcuin fellow and a member of the Templeton Honors College advisory board and—beginning summer 2024—the co-founder of The Classical Teaching Institute at The Ambrose School.

Joshua is married to Paula and they have two daughters, each of whom has seven names. You can learn more about his work at