Sally Tackett

2024 Speaker

Sally Tackett serves as Music Director, Language Arts Teacher and mom to two Grammar School students at Covenant Classical Christian School in Columbia, South Carolina. Sally found her love for choral music under the direction of Diane Covington at Leesville High School in Raleigh, North Carolina. She holds a Bachelor of Music degree from the University of South Carolina. When not in rehearsal, you can find Sally playing in the kitchen and chasing wonder with her husband, Ben, their two daughters and their not-so-small group from Riverside Community Church.


2024 Speaker Topic


Set the Table and Enjoy the Feast: Creating Culture with Intentional Liturgy

You become what you behold. Is the “paideia” of your school reflective of your mission? What does your school look and sound like? What are children learning through observation, imitation, recitation and conversation? Have you set the table for the feast? When you create an environment where students are prepared to be receptive, you can further stimulate appetite for the lovely and lasting. Classroom liturgy is a tool for communal practice and developing language for worthy conversation. What is practical intentionality in the cultivation of school culture?