Preston Atwood
Preston Atwood serves as the headmaster of Regents Academy in Nacogdoches, TX. He earned his PhD and MA in classical & ancient Near Eastern studies (Hebrew bible major; Greek minor) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a ThM and MDiv at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a BA in humanities at Scarborough College. Dr. Atwood was previously the headmaster at Grace Classical Christian Academy in Granbury, TX, and has held administrative appointments at UW-Madison (2014-2019), the National Association of Professors of Hebrew (2015-2017), and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2010-2014). Dr. Atwood has also been the recipient of several fellowships and grants, affording him opportunities to present his scholarly research in many countries and states, including a summer-long research stay in Jerusalem, Israel. Dr. Atwood is married to Emily and has eight kids, five of whom attend Regents. Aside from his more administrative and scholarly pursuits, Dr. Atwood enjoys writing piano music, fishing, conducting experiments with his sons, crafting with his daughters, drinking Mediterranean coffee, and taking his wife to non-chain restaurants.