Bryan Lynch
Bryan Lynch is Academic Dean at Veritas School, a preK–12 classical and Christian school in Newberg, Oregon. Bryan was a founding board member of Veritas, served as Headmaster there for 20 years, and has 40 years of experience in private and public education. In addition to his administrative duties, Bryan teaches Rhetoric and Humane Letters to eleventh-grade students. Bryan has presented workshops on faculty development, formative assessment, and seminar discussions at ACCS conferences and has led many school-based teacher trainings. He has also been involved in several accreditation visits for ACCS. Bryan and his wife, Ann, have three adult children and two grandchildren. Bryan posts a variety of free resources on teaching and classical education for teachers and administrators at
2024 Practicum Facilitator and Speaker
Teaching Lab
This practicum is back by popular demand. Seats are limited.
What’s the difference between a great lesson and a middling lesson? How do we offer teachers the kind of feedback that encourages excellence in our classrooms? Participants in this practicum will learn what to look for in a lesson, and how to offer feedback on what they see. They will develop an eye for distinguishing effective lessons from ineffective ones, and they will build a vocabulary that helps them articulate this difference to their colleagues. This practicum is for administrators who are responsible for assessing the quality of classroom instruction. It is also for teachers who want to hone their craft. All participants will come away with practical tips about how they might implement teaching lab exercises in their own schools.
Our experienced facilitators have assessed classroom lessons in dozens of ACCS schools around the country. They will lead you through the process of classroom observations and help you deliver effective feedback.
Hands on Formative Assessment
Ongoing checking for student understanding—formative assessment—is an essential foundation of great teaching. This workshop will give teachers an opportunity to try out several methods of checking for understanding, providing them practical tools they can use in their classrooms in September. (This workshop is on Friday, June 21, at 10:50 AM EDT).